On May 28th, 2014 the news of Maya Angelou's passing spread across the world. At the age of 86 years old, her death was quite sad but could not have come as much of a shock since Maya had lived a long powerful life. She touched everyone hearts in someway, shape, or form whether or not they knew it. Throughout her life, she held many jobs but was vastly known for her writing abilities. After writing 7 autobiographies, numerous Essays, poems, plays, and screenplays for both TV and movies Maya was asked on numerous occasions to deliver her power speeches, that also let one to think, at major events. Most notably at President Barack Obama's Inauguration.
It was during these powerful public speeches that Maya would deliver power statements that, in my opinion, should be changing the world. The one that a sticks with me the strongest is:
if you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, then change your attitude about it.
This statement is one that should be taught right along with the golden rule. Living by this statement would make life a million times easier to live.
Think about it!
Historically, if something came about that we did not like, we typically just complain or bitch about it. We grip and complain to our friends about it with the mentality that someone else will fix what we do not like. Why is that though? Why do we expect others to change something for us? Clearly Maya thought as I do that when it comes to things we do not like it is up to US to change it.
And if you can't change it??
Then change your attitude about it! For although you may not have control of the "something" you do not like, you do have control of you and your opinions/views/thoughts about things. If you change your attitude about something then maybe you will see things through a different light, a more positive light. Maybe even learn something new!
Let's be real, no one wants to be a negative nancy all the time, its not good for the soul :)
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