Monday, January 6, 2014

Persistence: When You go for What You REALLY Want!

I messaged this guy on a dating site who I had been communicating with quite a bit before the winter break from school.  

He's a little older than me, a professional in the work world, new and discreet in the gay community.  Now, normally I am anti "discreet" guys because I feel they just use it as a reason to get as much booty as possible without their spouses finding out or even having to admit they have homosexual feelings.  To me they aren't being real or proud of who they are.  Yet this guy, he was different. Not once did he try to get into my pants, to see my locked pics, or anything inappropriate for that matter.  No, he was a gentleman.  From what I could see he was the definition of what a gentleman was, just in a rough mental place battling with his homosexuality.  I don't blame him, not one bit, and no gay male should because we have all been in his shoes before.  I have always respected him and his wished because he was always honest with me, which is about as rare in the Kansas City gay community as it is to find a guy who doesn't know my ex.  

Anyways, lets refer to my discreet friend as Slim.  Right at the beginning of winter break Slim and I had a falling out over a misunderstanding. I had asked him when I was going to get to see his face pics because I had no clue what he looked like. He took this statement as I was being aggressive and pushy, which I can see because I can be pretty invasive on accident. Long story short, he cut our online messaged based friendship to an end after that. After a month of him not responding to my few messages I sent him, he finally caved and messaged me back today. My messages was simple but straight to the point:

"Really enjoyed our chats and w wish you would j understand the miss understanding so we can continue to chat"

Obviously there are grammatical issues (dang you cold weather messing up my tablet typing) but the point was still clear. To my surprise it was given a response i was shocked to get. He started the message with the simple phrase "I've always admired persistence" before going on catching up with me.  My response to that opening statement was simple stating I had master the skill years ago because when its something I want I will get it.  

Is that not how we should all be? I mean if you really want something you can't expect it to just come easy as pie to you. All things that are good in life are easy and aren't free!  Whether your paying with cash or determination and hard work.  I have always been known as the spoiled boy who got everything from mommy and gram gram. To and extent its true, but even when they are buying me something or paying something for me I have to work around the house for it.  Otherwise I'm working hard at my job or even getting a second one to make things happen.  Persistence is one of the skills that really defines us as human beans. I believe those who are persistent are strong and those who expect it given to them freely are weak. 

Which are you?

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