Friday, January 9, 2015

Accomplishments Come in All Sizes

Woke up early today to go get my blood drawn; always a good time at 7:45 am! 

Took a nice little ride home and decided to go down memory lane

here on blogger and read some of my past posts.

It was then that I had realized it has been A YEAR since I started this blogger account!  That was quite exciting to me! Looking back, I truly loved viewing my post that have had the most views and remember what the topics were about.  It made me remember why I started this blog; to help people who read it.  To share my experiences as a way to relay a  message to all of my readers of all ages.  

Image found on Bing

Although, I know I went offline for for a couple of months (a couple of different times!) I still want to do what I originally set out to do! So I decided to take it old school in the since I want to go back to talking about other things then what has been in my most recent blogs.

But, hopefully you all enjoyed those blogs too!

So here we go,

back to the old days.

Well first things first, I don't think I have ever really shown any pictures of myself on here.  Probably, because most my readers know who I am.  Which means they should know I just love to show off this picture because it is a picture of my Spotacus and I in our winter pictures taken.  Mind you, I had totally forgotten to do my hair before I went because I was too busy making sure he looked good, so you have to just ignore my hair:

That's my baby and I!

He's just the cutest little brat you could ask for.  He's the only one that can give me the Puppy Eye's look and make me fall for it.  And Lord only knows he loves his treats!  That's besides the point though, that guy in the blue shirt holding him up, that's me!  

By the way, Thank you JcPenny's Portrait Studio for the great photo shoot and the amazing pictures! Plus, thank you Groupon for the amazing deal on the JcPenny's Portrait Studio photo shoot!

I haven't had my pictures professionally taken for quite awhile.  Since my last family photo, a long time ago, I think.  

So, when I started this blog, I didn't really introduce myself (to all those who don't know me at least).  Well I'm Walter.  I live in the Suburbs of Kansas City, Mo.  The heart of the United States.

Image found with Bing Image Search
I mean right smack there in the dead center of the continental US.

I am 24 and have lived here for, pretty much, almost 18 years of my life.  I am gay, as many of you can tell or already know.  If you are just now finding out....well now you know! 

I have a weird sense of humor and have to feel like I'm using my voice even through text. 

That's why I feel the need to change the color, or style, or 
throughout my blogs.  I feel like it emphasizes the words 

or is just fun for me to do

I have traveled to two other states, driven through a few, and live in two other states.  I moved out of my mom's house once when I definitely wasn't ready to; subsequently causing me to move back into my mother's house.  

I started working as a CNA at my current job on March 3rd, 2012 and as of December 9th of this past year I started working as a CMT at my job as well!  It was quite exciting, besides getting my CNA, the only other "degree or diploma" I have is my GED.  Which all three I was so proud of myself for completing when I did.  The feeling of accomplishment is something that I can't compare to anything else.

Since I haven't really gotten to do this before:

Image found with Bing Image Search

I was starting to get down on myself.  Thinking: was I ever gonna make anything of myself; make it anywhere in life or live with my mom forever?  I had convinced myself I wasn't.  That I was going to become a a part of the walls at work.  Well, while working yesterday, I came home on one of my breaks and got our mail.  Brought it in and saw a large manila envelope for me.  I couldn't think for the life of me what it could of been.
I have been shopping free for a good couple weeks or so!
So, I went and opened it.  Instantly, I was ecstatic.  Instantly, I knew I wasn't going to be a part of the walls.  You see, what I had opened reminded me that I had accomplished something major and that I have before in the past too!  

No I didn't graduate High School like everyone else; I got my GED instead.  
Image Found With Bing Image Search

I haven't gotten a college degree, yet but I have gotten my CNA and have already started working in the field I love.
Image Found With Bing Image Search

The contents also led me to remember the small things I have accomplished within the past year alone.  Overcoming an addiction, seeking help with a therapist, seeking help from a psychiatrist, rebuilding damaged friendships, bonding more with my family, and remembering my priorities.  

Remembering these accomplishments made the contents of the envelope even sweeter for me.  

You see, the big accomplishments are great, you just can't diminish the "little" ones either.  Accomplishments both big and small deserved to be recognized and celebrate.  To remind yourself that your doing things right.  To inspire you to keep moving forward and getting ahead.  To remember that impossible is nothing if you never give up!

That is my message this time, Accomplishments come in all sizes, don't get yourself down because things are taking longer than expected for the large ones and don't ignore the small ones because they are there to keep you going while you strive for greatness!

For those who want to know the contents of the was these: 

My Missouri CMT and Insulin Administration certificates and cards! 

One step at a time!

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